Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Some Things to Buy When You Have the Time

| Alright Since I Visit This Site So Often... 

Didn't feel like making the purchase now but when you are feeling that irritation again I have saved some links here so all you have to do is just wire the money over and wait for the product to arrive.

Right now, I find myself in need of:
  1. Portable Charger. My last one broke and I need to prepare myself for doomsday scenario. Sent someone to find the box and warranty for me but there's a fair chance it will NEVER be found since I left it somewhere and didn't try to look for it for a LONG time. Things change and move on so just prepare yourself for that shit.
  2. Bluetooth Speaker. I had another one that came with ipad as a free gift. I left that god damn thing somewhere and maybe it was being petty but it didn't want to show itself to me when I needed it most. Well fuck it, I'll just go and buy another one then.

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