Thursday, June 25, 2020

Eberron: All Over Again [Side Quest Material]

Welcome to Eberron: All Over Again Adventure! This adventure is intended for four to five Tier 1 characters starting their careers in the exciting, progressive world of Eberron. Eberron: All Over Again is built with good aligned characters in mind and assumes that the characters have taken up the Adventurer's Guild Group Patron or other similar Group Patrons/Factions.

This adventure first starts at Clifftop Adventurer's Guild where they will assigned a job that will take them to the hamlet of the First Tower.


This adventure contains 3 mini-adventures that can be played in any order. These mini-adventures are written in a way that will give the characters a little taste of how life is like in the world of Eberron. 


 As mentioned above, the adventure first starts at Clifftop Adventurer's Guild where characters can introduce themselves to the party they will travel with for the upcoming adventures. There, they are assigned to travel to the adjacent thorp of the First Tower where they will meet characters that require their help.


This adventure is written with the assumption that all participating characters are members of the Adventurer's Guild Group Patron. The Adventurer's Guild houses Khorvaire's bravest and brightest adventurers and provide jobs for their members. Members can choose to take up the jobs posted by the guild or go off on their own adventures as long as they pay the guildhall a visit from time to time. 

Players are more than welcome to come up with their own hooks so long as they motivate their character to cooperate and take part in the following adventure. Feel free to adjust the adventure accordingly.

The following contain some ideas for hooks players can use instead of joining the Adventurer's Guild. These ideas can also serve as inspiration for the players to come up with their own original hooks.

1. Making a living is tough in Breland and jobs are hard to come by. You are willing to take anything (within reason) that comes your way. You've heard of this job in one of your enquiries and took it without sparing a thought.

2. You've built your own guild but you find yourself in need of renown & recognition (Maybe even cash). This job seemed like the right place to start.

3. The King's Citadel is willing to employ third-party assistance to enforce justice to all of Breland. The King's Citadel has a hard time enforcing the law in the many metropolises of Breland and lawlessness runs rampant in areas outside of the major cities. You decided to take up the King's Citadel call for help.

3.5 The King's Citadel are also looking to recruit new talents into their force. There are other branches that operate under the same umbrella but have different specializations. For example, the King's Dark Lantern is a branch of the King's Citadel but they specialize in Intelligence gathering than law enforcement. Any characters that show potential might be approached and asked to join the appropriate branch when the opportunity presents itself.

4. You may be uncomfortable with working under the service of the King for your own reasons but lawlessness is still something you cannot tolerate. You are more than happy to enforce your own justice to any troublemaker in your adventures. Earning some extra cash along the way would be nice.

NOTE! Since the adventure begins at the adventurer's guild, you may allow characters who aren't guild members to take jobs from the Adventurer's Guild. Your Adventurer's Guild could be open to providing jobs to non-members in a bid to allow members to join on their own accord or to help Clifftop's economy. Feel free to adjust the adventure and come up with other ways as to how the characters get to participate in the adventure should your Guild be more exclusive to their own members.


This adventure is designed to be really flexible and self-contained. After the characters are done with the quests at the First Tower, their adventure may continue in the city of Sharn or in the skies via an airship.


The characters first find themselves at Sharn's Clifftop neighborhood, located in the upper part of the Dura district. This is where the Adventurer's Guild headquarters can be found. Also take note that this adventure begins in the evening. When you're ready, read or paraphrase the following:

Clifftop Adventurer's Guild is a massive stone edifice built with the riches acquired over a lifetime of adventuring. Part quiet library, part comfortable inn, part active gymnasium, and part rowdy tavern, the guildhall contains practically every facility adventurers could need to train, study, and socialize. The neighborhood around it caters to adventurers' other needs with its variety of shops and services.
You find yourself waiting in the tavern area of the building, waiting for the receptionist to get back to you about your job. Your friends wait at the same table you're at and some of them are visibly bored. After some time, you see the opportunity to break the ice. What do you do?

Characters can use this chance to introduce themselves to the party and get themselves acquainted before the receptionist returns. Once the characters have done all that, proceed to the next section.


The receptionist returns and provides the characters with the following information:

  • You will be rewarded with 40 gold crowns each (gold pieces) upon completion of the job
  • Your job starts at the thorp of the First Tower, a settlement that is adjacent to Sharn.
  • Criminal activities pervade the everyday lives of people of the First Tower. Head to the First Tower inn and look for a goblin called Aziz. He will be waiting for you there and will provide you details of your task. 
  • Once you're done, return to the guildhall to collect your reward.
  • For this job, the Adventurer's Guild will cover the cost of the lightning rail journey with this ticket. (Hands them 2 lightning rail tickets each. One for the journey and the other for when they return) Present this ticket to the conductor.


Once the characters are ready, read or paraphrase the following:

Major cities in Khorvaire are linked by the lightning rail of House Orien, which allows you to avoid the perils—and tedium—of the roads. The lightning rail uses bound elementals to pull a train of carriages over a path of magical stones, between which a rail-like stream of lightning arcs. A passenger train stops before you at Sharn's lightning rail station. The conductor uses prestidigitation to amplify his volume and signal the passengers that it is time to board the train. You show your ticket to him and board the train.
A journey that would've taken days is reduced to a mere hour. You have now arrived at the First Tower's lightning rail station. As expected, a 30-foot tall tower stands quietly in the middle of the thorp of the First Tower. Many smaller apartments and buildings sit around it. Other than the tower, nothing else seems to pique your interest. You decide to delay no longer and head to the inn.


Aziz is a mustard-skinned male city goblin standing 4 feet tall. He is straightforward and always seems like he needs to rush off somewhere else. 
  • Ah... so the guild sent you. Good! Now we can get work done.
  • There are many things that need to be done at the First Tower and so little time. There are outstanding issues that I simply do not have the manpower for, so this is where you come in.
  1. First! A fight broke out at the North West of the First Tower. Several First Tower citizens are injured and it seems like whoever started the fight got away. This might get serious if it isn't settled properly. Find out who is behind the assault and put a stop to this nonsense once and for all. Head East and look for a male tiefling called Jardon if you want to resolve this issue first.
  2. Second! Darlan Nirn is worried for a friend of hers. She reports of a jealous ex hiring some thugs to attack her friend and her partner. If there truly is an assault planned, stop it before it even starts. Darlan Nirn is a young human female and can be found in the Western residential area.
  3. Third! The King's Forest is a popular scenic route to Sharn. Part of what makes the route great are the animals that have taken residence in the forest. Recently there have been a sharp decrease in the natural wildlife and there are evidence that show that someone might be poaching these animals. Find the unlicensed hunter and put an end to his/her activities. Find the elf ranger Krislana Ilwyn in the outpost up North if you want to resolve this issue first.
  4. You can find me if you need to report on your progress. Once the jobs are done I'll let the guild know and you can go on your way.


A fairly quiet corner of the thorp, you see a several injured citizens in stretchers that are lined up neatly on the dirt path who are now tended and treated by a handful of halflings bearing the sigil of a griffon. You noticed that all of the injured are Brelish with monstrous origins. Medusas, hobgoblins, orcs, gnolls, tieflings and various others you don't recognise. A tiefling fitting the description of Jardon is among the injured albeit, he is sitting upright on his stretcher instead of laying down. You see a path to approach him.


A crimson skinned tiefling currently taking residence in Breland's First Tower as he could not afford the housing in Sharn though he would like to be able to one day. Jardon is a low rank detective from Droaam who works in Breland. Jardon is worried about the well being of his Droaamite friends and will do what he can to guide the characters in the right direction.

  • Did Aziz send you? Or is it the Guild?
  • I'm Jardon. I work for House Tharashk. Was out drinking with a few buddies of mine when suddenly some bastards dressed in all-black jumped us and a few other citizens.
  • During the assault, I got a pretty good look at how my attackers look like. They're all human.
  • There seems to be a movement going around here for Brelish against Droaamites. Most of us who live in this corner of the First Tower heil from Droaam, the nation of monsters. We are still the minority, however.
  • Well I am aware of the certain prejudices this lovely country has against us but this is the first time they've lashed out against us physically.
  • Whoever these guys are, they need to be stopped. If you can do that, I'll put in a good word for you.
  • Based on their attack pattern, these hooligans are targeting placs with high volumes of Droaamites. The Tart Blade Bar is a few blocks from here. Its another popular spot for Droaamites.


The Tart Blade Bar looks like any bar you've been in. It smells of ale, wet dog and spilled wine. It also boasts wooden, creaky floorboards and walls. Standard looking bar, or so you thought. There are lots of patrons crowding up the place tonight, making it hard for you to move around. As described earlier, the patrons here are a mixture of monstrous races. Minotaurs, gnolls, trolls - you name it, they're here. The bartender is a hobgoblin who just yelled at couple of rowdy customers who almost started another fight.

The hobgoblin who tends the bar goes by the name Landell. A stern fella with a fierce look that is reinforced by his crimson colored skin. Like Jardon, he doesn't want to see any of his patrons get hurt and will help in whatever way he can as soon as he hears about the terrorist group that's running around the First Tower.

  • Whoever these guys are, they haven't been here yet.
  • You're free to stay here for tonight. If these guys are running about, they'll show their faces here soon enough. I can provide you with some bread and water. Anything else will cost ya.
A few hours later, the terrorists will begin their assault. This particular group brought homemade smoke bombs with them which they will use in combat.

MONSTERS: 4 Bandits (All Human)

Characters can do skill checks to try to apprehand the terrorists before they start attacking. 
Roll initiatives for the characters. On each turn, each participant can take an action to make a skill check and the attackers will react with a stealth check. When the attackers use a Stealth check, the characters react with a Perception check.
If the characters attain 3 successful Perception checks first, they are able to detect the group approaching the bar outside. If the attackers make 3 successful Stealth checks first, they surprise the characters in their assault.

Smoke Bomb
This item can be thrown at a range of 30 feet. Any creature in a 30 feet radius sphere has to make a DC12 Constitution save or be blinded. Blinded creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns to end the effect.

If the attackers surprise the characters, they will bombard the bar with smoke bombs before running in to begin their assault.

Once the attackers are defeated, characters can report their success to Jardon or make their way back to Sharn if they've completed all the First Tower's requests.

Each of the terrorists carries 1d6 gold crowns on them.



Emma Waseem (human female) recently broke up with her partner, Todd Darlan (human male). The couple split and went on their own way but Emma never quite got over the split. She continued obsessing herself with Todd's life and was furious to hear that shortly after the break up, Todd has already found another partner Gillespie Rok (tiefling female).

Alferia Gor is a dear friend of Gillespie. A stroke of luck, Alferia managed to hear about Emma's plans to hurt the couple. She hired a couple of violent thugs to beat up the couple. However, the thugs she hired were notorious for leaving their victims dead with their heads smashed in.

Unfortunately for Alferia, she did not manage to warn the couple on time and they've already sailed to the Dagger River on boat to spend the night together. The thugs are bound to be waiting nearby but Alferia does not know where. Even if she finds them, she can't do anything on her own.

A tiefling female teen with fair silvery skin and dark hair. She has worry written all over her face and waits for assistance at the edge of the residential area close to the Dagger River.
  • Quick! We don't have time. Todd and Gilly could be in trouble any second now!
  • Alferia immediately leads the characters to the Dagger River outside of the First Tower. Along the way, Alferia can explain the background to them.
  • If players ask, Alferia is able to describe the background information to the characters.


As you approach the sandy riverbanks, you see a large body of water before you under the starry night. This looks to be the right place but no one's here. Alferia runs up ahead of you, frantically looking for any signs of the couple or the thugs while muttering inaudibly to herself. What do you do?
Any character looking around immediately notice several footprints on the sandy ground. DC12 Investigation check allows the character to notice a relatively fresh set of footprints. Following the footprints leads the characters to a large bushy hedge with broken twigs and branches, indicating that someone has made its way through.

A mile away, you see a boat matching Alferia's description making its way to the riverbank. Looks like the couple might be done with their romantic moment. On the riverbank, you see vague shadowy figures running close to the approaching boat. This might be them.
(One mile = 5280 feet)
NOTE! It would take about 10 minutes to cover a mile but you would need to be running to accomplish that.

The characters are too far away to act at the moment but they can make a mad dash towards the lovers and the thugs. Any attempts to warn them might not work for now so the only thing to do is to close up the gap.

A few minutes goes by and the boat has already beached itself at the riverbank. The male figure steps out of the vehicle first and is quickly ambushed by a thug who dashed towards him in a beeline. He swings his mace towards his victim and attacks him relentlessly. The other pounces on the female tiefling and bounds her with rope. You can hear faint screams, groans of pain and maniacal laughter as horrific the scene unfolds before you.

Not soon after you have approached the boat but at a distance the thugs have already spotted you. They stop their assault on the couple and focus their attention on you. With mace on hand, they rush towards you with ferocity!

After the thugs are defeated, Alferia and the couple thanks the characters for the rescue and they are free to return to the First Tower or make their way back to Sharn if they have completed all the requests.
Todd is severely injured but can be healed by the characters if they choose to. Emma can't be dealt with it at this moment but Alferia and friends will be sure to report her to the King's Citadel on the morn.

TREASURE: The thugs hold a total of 30 gold crowns on them. This is probably Emma's payment.


Krislana Ilwyn is an elven ranger who mans the outpost. She requires some capable people to accompany her into the King's Forest to look for the illegal poacher.

A young female elf ranger, Krislana loves and cares for the wildlife in the King's Forest. She is usually upbeat and cheery but recent events have dampened her spirits somewhat. She wants to put a stop to the poaching and is focused on achieving that goal.

Krislana has the SCOUT stats. Before the start of the mini-adventure, the players can decide among themselves who takes control of Krislana when she accompanies them.

  • The poaching started a few days ago. Whoever's doing this is careful to not leave any trail or evidence behind.
  • The poacher uses a firearm to kill its target. The firearm is most likely a rifle.
  • The poacher has recently been careless and I've managed to track 'im down instead. He has built a base in the King's Forest and retreats when he's done with his hunt. With you by my side, we should be able to take this whoreson down.
  • The poacher is probably on another hunt now. We better make a move on.
Some time after setting foot into the King's Forest, the usual cacophony of the forest sounds is broken by the terrible crack of a gun shot followed by the fluttering of panicked birds. The poacher has probably gotten another victim.
Krislana insists that the characters continue to make their way to his base, as much as it pains her. He is bound to return anytime with his kill.

MONSTERS: 1 Inspired. He uses a Hunting Rifle as his main attack. 

Have the players prepare themselves however they want and when they are ready, proceed.
As expected, the poacher makes his way to his base but he already knows that there are others waiting to ambush him. A terrifying aura follows the poacher around. Something is not right with him. He does not seem like any ordinary poacher. He drops the tiger he just killed and aims his rifle to your direction!
After the poacher is defeated, Karlana thanks them and promises to put in a good word for them. She mentions that it is strange to see an Inspired around the area and sees this as a bad omen. The characters can make their way back to the First Tower or Sharn if they've fulfilled all of the requests.

The poacher has 1d6 gold crowns on him.

The characters can make their return to Clifftop to collect 40 gold crowns each. 

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