Sunday, June 14, 2020

Eberron Episode III: Stolen Goods

In the last adventure, our adventurers explored the city of Starilaskur and even completed a job for a fellow citizen.

...And then they went on to steal goods from one of the city's most famous blacksmith.

PLAYER OBJECTIVE: Sell your Stolen Goods.

- Add more locales & sites to Starilaskur
- Enforce consequences
- Possibly invent a brand new villain

Etoile's Restaurant: A highly-regarded Gnomish restaurant which sells the best Gnomish Specialty Dishes. Eating a dish here grants a Gnomish effect. You can only have one Gnomish effect at a time.
  • Deep Fried Frog Crunchies. Served with risotto, breadsticks and ale. (50gp) For the next 4 hours, choose one target. You have advantage on Charisma checks against the target for the duration.
  • Gnomish Pasta with aged cheese and tomatoes. Served with wine. (75gp) For the next 24 hours, you may add 1d4 to one ability check.
  • Ramen Gnomebowl. Served with pork slices, fresh mushrooms and wine. (100gp) For the next 24 hours, you may add 1d4 to one saving throw.
  • A Gnome's Feast. Roasted Whole Chicken, served with crunchies, bread, risotto & wine. (150gp) For the next 24 hours, you may add 1d4 to any saving throw.
Etoile Restaurant is very popular in Starilaskur and most of the time it is fully packed with hungry customers. 

Commune's Eatery. Ordinary restaurant which serves decent food. They specialize in the common beef Gnomebowl which comes in a set for 5sp.

Le Auberge. An inn that offers cheap rooms that go for 1gp per night. Also serves meals and drinks for 1sp.

The Starry Library has some new books in store:


A DC10 Intelligence check or similar will tell the character that selling the stolen goods at the public market is not a good idea. Someone might deduce that the party members are the thieves the City Watch is looking for and might even make a report. 

Coulee, on the other hand, can find his contact and find a better way of dealing with things.

Criminal Contact: Through his contacts, Coulee managed to find a local Boromar gang member who gave advice about their operation. He basically discouraged them from doing so but they went on to do it anyway.

Coulee can go back to the Boromar member (Joton Barrelfall) to look for a way to sell the goods.

  • Word around the city is that the Hopping Hammer got fleeced recently. It is very obvious that you and your friends are responsible.
  • Any aspiring thieves know that you have to find a fence for your goods. Someone who is willing to accept the stolen goods and knows of ways to profit from them.
  • But before that... I'd like to know one thing
MONSTERS: Velociraptors, Zhent martial art adepts, Halfling Thugs, Clawfoots.

"You see piercing amber eyes staring at you from the shadows around you. It creeps towards you slowly, revealing itself to be a velociraptor armed with sharp teeth and claws. Then several more appear with drool hanging from their terrifying teeth. Intimidating-looking Halflings also step out from the shadows, cutting off any means of escape."

  • You and I don't want to things to get ugly, so answer my questions and you might go free.
  • Who are you? You working for the Tyrants? Show me your true form!
  • What have you to gain by stealing from Daask? Huh?
  • Extremely unlikely, but... did House Tarkanan send you?
"Please roll an insight check with advantage."
A successful DC10 Insight check will tell the character that even though Joton seems hostile right now, it's all part of the tough guy act. He has no desire to spill any blood but will do it if he must.

Four major criminal syndicates operate all across Khorvaire and Starilaskur is not spared. Joton belongs to the Boromars, a criminal syndicate mostly made up of Halflings.
The Hopping Hammers are in league with Daask.

Then there is House Tarkanan and the Tyrants.

Answering the Halfling truthfully and calmly will defuse the tension. Joton will instruct his gang to stand down and help the adventurers. He sees an opportunity to use the adventurers in exchange for his help.

  • I don't know what you have against Daask but if you leave us Boromars alone, we're good.
  • The Hopping Hammers are in league with the Daask gang, in case you didn't know.
  • I know a fence who would gladly take your goods. You're free to keep all of the profit... but we have a few problems...
  • The Hopping Hammer has already reported the burglary. The City Watch is looking for a colorfully-dressed woman, a fire genasi who looks a lot like you and a Giant Spider.
  • But you guys already have a plan to keep the cops off your tail right?
  • Gnomes are sharp and obsessive sons-of-bitches. Give them the smallest of clues and you can be sure that they'll find and arrest you. Trust me, you do not want to go to a Gnome prison.
  • I can help you. I'll speak to my superiors about throwing the cops offa your trail but in exchange, you have to help me.
  • Boromars could always use some extra hands. I've got jobs for you. Come see me when you're ready. 

(Would really suck if this happened... but just in case)

If any of the party members or Coulee himself is hostile with the Boromars, the Boromars attack Coulee or the rest of the party if they are present. Any remainder of the Boromars will go after the rest of the party as they are now considered a threat.

The Boromars will relentlessly hunt the party down until they are all killed. If the party somehow survives the assault, they now have to fight against two fronts.

The party will now instead learn of the efficiency of Gnome's City Watch. Guards prowl the city streets in search of the party to arrest them.

If a chase arise, use the following rules:

If the characters are not killed or thrown in jail, they can attempt to escape the city by foot. Escaping the city brings about the next adventure, "You May Not Leave".

Guards (Gnome)
Blink Dog
Archer (Low)

Rust Monster
Siren (Main Boss)

A few clever characters have caught up to the adventurers misdeeds. Vanderhound the Halfling (Coulee's contact) hears that the adventurers have mugged the Hopping Hammers and it's only a matter of time before Gnome guards will come chasing after them.
He gives them a two choices:
a) Adventurer's Guild: Surrender the stolen goods and confess your crimes. The Adventurer's Guild will arrange something to clear your names and let you off with a warning. I recommend this path so that you can avoid future problems. You do not want to be enemies with the City Watch, or Daask. Trust me.
b) Crime Syndicate: I... have friends from the Boromar Clan. I know people who can help clear your names and stop the City Watch (the police) from trying to capture you. But this comes with a cost. The Hopping Hammers are in league with a rival clan of the Boromars; the Daask Clan. This monstrous clan might conduct their own investigations and track the culprits. I may be able to help you with the City Watch, but if Daask comes after you, you're on your own.

No matter what they choose, Vanderhound sees potential in the characters and offers a job which might interest them.
"How does an extra 300 gold pieces sound?"

Dongur Fraunshaer is a wealthy Gnomish business

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