Monday, June 8, 2020

Eberron Episode II: Part 1, Starilaskur Lock Horn Championship

Hungry for more jobs and adventures, the party have chosen to make a quick pit stop at the Gnome-dominated city Starilaskur.
15gp per player; 60gp altogether for the ride from Vathirond to Starilaskur. Using the lightning rails significantly reduces the travelling time at a price.

Vathirond & Starilaskur is roughly 200 miles away from each other. That would take about two weeks of travel to cover that distance. Using the lightning rails reduces the travelling time about 4 to 6 hours.

I have decided to chart my own pricing as the information from the sourcebook is really pricey. A ride from town to city can cost up to 100gp which is ridiculous.

First Class: 5sp per mile
Economy: 5cp per mile


"The first thing you notice when you dropped from the train is just how clean and magnificent the city looks. Bronze buildings and skyscrapers dominate the city's aesthetics.
This is most definitely a far cry from the slums and warzones you were previously in. You're pretty much one of the tallest passengers around here.
As you explored the area a bit more, you realize that almost all of the folks walking about at the lightning rail station are Gnomes followed by Goblins who are the second-most common.
Occassionally you would see the rare Bugbears, Hobgoblins and some fellow Humans strolling about."

The following contains the format to insert images in R20 chats. Example:

===EXPLORATION options===

1) The Starry Library: This beautiful and well-maintained library sits in the affluent district of the city. The adventurers can get their hands on three books titled:

2) Wilben's Bed & Arena: The district's local tavern & arena. What started out as a run-of-the-mill tavern is now the biggest arena that hosts the Starilaskur's Lock Horn Championship due to the blood sport's overwhelming success. Wilben's also offers high quality beds and the country's best Gnomish Beer. 
[12gp for a night of stay. A meal goes for 10gp and a mug of beer goes for 5gp]

3) Starilaskur's Adventurer's Guild: A local guildhall for any guild members looking for jobs.

4) House Jorasco Service Centre: A local branch that provide healing services.

5) House Kundarak, Orien & Sivis Communications & Security Service Centres: A whole district of the city dedicated to Dragonmark Houses services.

6) Arilin's Wondrous Goods: A Gnomish store selling adventuring gear.


7) The Hopping Hammer: A local smith run by hobgoblins from the Risen Ash Clan who have Dhakaan ancestry. Considered the best smiths in the city for their infamous signature weapons. High quality steels and weapons found here:
8) Salkur's Smithy: Another smith run by Gnomes. Only offers simple weapons & martial weapons but at slightly lower prices (5% off).

During their exploration, the adventurer's are greeted with what might be terrible news:
  • A strange anamoly has occured at the lightning rails (Authorities will refuse to explain)
  • To keep everyone safe, the Lightning Rails will be temporarily shut down.
  • The adventurer's are stuck in Starilaskur for the time being


"As you take your first step into the what seems to be a tavern, you find yourself staring at the interiors in awe. The halls of this tavern is masterfully furnished and tastefully designed. This is unlike any taverns you've been in before. In fact, you find it hard to believe that you're in a tavern. This looks more like castle for a prince or a princess!"

A sharply dressed Gnome sits at the reception, waiting to serve any guest with a warm smile. 
"Madewoselle et Monsieur! HopĂ© you are 'aveng a fine dai! Mai ai intairest you wiv a drink and bed?"
Nothing much goes on here other than the shockingly high prices that the establishment demands: [12gp for a night of stay. A meal goes for 10gp and a mug of beer goes for 5gp]

RUMORS: Interested players can also keep an ear out for local gossip and rumors

"You hear a couple of gnomes speaking in hushed but excited tones. They seem to be talking about two competing local blacksmith companies."

The Hopping Hammer: A local smith run by hobgoblins from the Risen Ash Clan. The Hopping Hammer offers quality craftmenship at competitive prices.

Salkur's Smithee: Another smithy run by a gnome family. This smith also offers quality smithing but they are outmatched by The Hopping Hammer. Salkur, the owner, is allegedly jealous of the Hopping Hammer's success.

If the characters want to go anywhere else, read or paraphrase the following: 

"Before wandering anywhere else, you hear the sounds of muffled cheering and punches coming from a room nearby. Through the door you find a spacious outdoor fighting ring. The seats are fully occupied with excited spectators. Right smack in the middle of the room are a bunch of competitors of various races fighting with an assortment of weapons and a few Gnome & Halfling healers on standby. The Healers wear the symbol of House Jorasco on their attire. The fighters seem to be fighting for the title of Starilaskur's Ultimate Lock Horn Championship!"

The adventurers can immediately sign up and participate in a fight with little hassle. The pot for the fights start small but gradually gets larger as they fight harder enemies.

 Thundrok Roreev, Bugbear


There are several plaques on the walls that briefly explain the history of the tournament.
  • Bugbears thrive in violence and warfare. Adapting to the modern era didn't fare too well for these goblinoids and they often got themselves into trouble.
  • Thundrok Roreev thought about turning his violent nature into profit. He started what would be locally known as Starilaskur's Lock Horn Championship
  • Thundrok wanted the tournaments to follow Bugbear's traditions: You fight and you win using whatever means necessary.
  • Of course the Gnomes of Starilaskur immediately knew that his fights would end up in bloodshed and would not approve it until it can be proven safe.
  • It wasn't easy, but Thundrok managed to strike a deal with House Jorasco to provide healing services for the participants.
  • This bloody tournament proved to be a major success & almost every tavern holds their own localized championship. Needless to say, Thundrok is doing really well in Starilaskur city. 

Participating in the championship is a good way to secure free lodging in any participating taverns. Fighters are treated to free stays in the tavern. But this comes with a catch: If you lose, you're out.

The fights also get progressively difficult but players will never die when fighting in these. House Jarasco are some of the continent's best healers.

Any means of battle is allowed even spellcasting. But if you can use it, so can the other team. Listed in this blog will be an extensive list of all the competitors the adventurers will face. Some of the fighters listed here are going to be nasty so brace yourselves.

Let's get ready to RrrrrrRRrrrumble!!!

===FIGHT 1===
[EASY] These contestants are all Gnomes trying to take a crack at the championship title.

1. 2x Thugs (Gnome)
2. 2x Skull Basher

REWARD: 20gp
Every end of the battle, the winners are treated to free simple meals and stay at the tavern. They can take long rests after each battle.
If you lose, you'll have to pay for your stay.

===FIGHT 2===
[EASY] Seems like the Goblins too wanna take a shot! Will they be able to earn the title?
REWARD: 20gp

===FIGHT 3===
[MEDIUM??] Beefier-looking Gnomes than the previous ones. These guys look serious!

2. 1x Deep Gnome

REWARD: 50gp

===FIGHT 4===
[HARD] Crimson skinned, taller cousins of the common goblin, these Hobgoblins are determined to snatch the championship title.

1. 2x Hobgoblin

REWARD: 100gp

===FIGHT 5===
[DEADLY] No one has been able to knock these Hobgoblins down so far! The most popular contestant as well as the most likely winners of this season's championship! Can they be stopped?

2. 3x Hobgoblin

REWARD: 200gp & 2 Greater Healing Potions
Winners have a chance to move on to the Advanced division.


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