Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Eberron: The Shadow War | Prologue Mission 1, Thieves of Starilaskur

Eberron: The Shadow War

Thieves of Starilaskur

Welcome to the Shadow War series. This adventure takes place in the Eberron setting and assumes that all of the characters partaking in this adventure are part of the Espionage Agency group patron, the King's Dark Lantern. This adventure main design objective is to provide a compelling backstory for all characters involved.

The Invisible War series aims to carve out a noire intrigue narrative in the campaign. The characters are all part of the King's Dark Lantern, a branch of the King's Citadel that deals with gathering Intelligence. In the main campaign, the characters take part in all sorts of missions from the Dark Lanterns.

However, there are many elements in the story I would like to build up first to complicate the story even further so as to support the noir narrative.

This story takes place during the Last War, 993YK, 5 years before the start of the campaign. In the Last War, Thrane conducted a major assault on Breland and seized the city Starilaskur. The characters at this time could be working for the Brelish military force who plans to make use of the character's talents to retake the city from Thrane's hands or learn more about the enemy. 

LOOT: Military characters might have just stolen the invader's war plans and keys to the inner city while oppotunistic characters may have taken things of monetary value like art objects, gemstones or a big sum of the Thrane soldier's military fund.

EXTRA INFO: Brelish cannot look at the Thranes the same way again after the seizing of Starilaskur city. The attack was made during a holiday in 916YK where soldiers were supposed to cease fighting and be at peace. Nowadays, to call someone a Thrane in Breland meant that the person was dishonorable and unworthy of trust.

The characters have just managed to lose sight of the guards but are now caught in another dilemma. The soldiers of Starilaskur are now on the lookout for the characters. Walking out of the city will not be a cakewalk. The characters must now find a way out of the city to finish their mission.

In this story, one other character will also be involved in the story. Sam Witts.

SAM WITTS: Human male. Sam is actually a spy of the nation of Thrane. He joined and eventually attained a high rank in the Dark Lanterns. He then uses his authority to command his underlings to walk into the hands of his masters amidst the chaos of the war.


Part 1

The characters first start the adventure after they've just eluded the Thrane soldier's pursuit. After having realized that there is no way out, they will now have to find the second infiltration team led by the decorated Brelish spy Sam Witts. An hour before the operation, the teams have agreed to meet in the now-ruined City Square.

Part 2

After making their way to the City Square, the characters meet Sam Witts who is alone. He claims that his team got captured en route to the rendezvous point. (Sam actually turned them in when they were away). Sam is aware that there is no way out of the city but during his infiltration, he found an ancient city map that revealed a goblin-made underground passage below a castle that can be found in Starilaskur. The castle is also guarded by Thrane soldiers, but he discovered some conflict between the soldiers stationed at the castle and the main soldiers of Thrane. This might be the perfect opportunity for the characters to make their escape.

Part 3

The castle is an ancient goblin castle with lots of goblin architecture still intact. Soon, the characters find out that the soldiers stationed at the castle have all been charmed by and fight for a mysterious entity.

Part 4

The characters make their way to the lower floors and discover that the passages are long gone and are reduced to rubble, dirt and stone. Sam then suggests that the characters find out what or who is controlling the soldiers stationed in the castle. The characters might be able to use their discovery against the Thranes.

Part 5

Soon the characters discover that an artifact known as the Crown of Domination from the depths of Khyber was uncovered by Thrane military long ago. There were plans to use the power of the artifact to give the Thranes the upper hand to win the war. However the plan backfired when the item was used to turn their own men against them. A former Brelish prisoner of war from the dungeons got hold of the crown and took control of the men stationed in the castle.
The young woman has not made any moves yet but the longer she lingers, the greater the chance of Thrane losing control over the city.


Sam takes hold of the crown (or insists that he takes the crown) and holds the Prophet hostage. As they are led out of the city by the Silver Flame soldier, the characters are betrayed and imprisoned by the Thranes.


Players can decide upon the item they have stolen during the infiltration. Players are welcome to come up with their own items or take the ideas presented in the following:
  1. Invader's (Thrane) War Plans. The documents detail Thrane's next goals like seizing the nearby Brelish settlements. The document also has multiple mentions of the 'Crown of Domination' item.
  2. Keys to the Inner City
  3. Art Objects (A flame symbol fashioned in silver and embellished with gold and precious stones)
  4. Gemstones representing big sums of the Thrane soldier's military fund.
"Some time have passed and you've grown confident in your abilities. The year is 993 YK. Khorvaire is deep in the throngs of a conflict known as The Last War. The empire splitted into several different nations long ago and they now still fight for the succession of the throne. You are a spy proudly serving your country Breland and you are assigned a task to learn more about the enemy nation known as Thrane and find any information that could be used against them. You were sent to infiltrate a now-seized Brelish city known as Starilaskur to conduct the operation.
Moments later, you find yourself huffing and panting in the dead of night. Looks like the guards have lost sight of you and your friends. You checked on your stolen goods and sure enough they are still there, just as you left them. These can be worth a lot of money to someone... provided you can find someone who'll take it off your hands. You leave that thought aside for another time. If you're spotted by the guards again, you'll be in a world of trouble. Right now you need to concentrate on making your way to the City Square and meet up the other team."

"You quietly make your way to the City Square to meet the leader of the operation Sam Witts. Sure enough, Sam is at the rendezvous point but he is alone."

Sam Witts is a high ranking Dark Lantern spy human male in his late 30's with curly orange hair. Earlier, Sam was with a group of four other Brelish spies. 
Sam uses the SPY stat block in combat.
Sam is usually assertive, confident and some might consider charming when he speaks.
  • Sam mentions that " the spies that were with me were captured and only I was able to escape."
  • All of the infiltration points are crawling with hundreds of Thrane soldiers. We cannot go back the way we came in.
  • Everyone will have to find another way out.
  • There is a castle in the inner city. I found an old map that says that there is an underground passage underneath the castle made by ancient goblins. We could escape from there.
  • Some of the soldiers mentioned a conflict between the soldiers stationed at the castle and the main force. This could be our chance.


Dongur's castle used to belong to the Goblins of Old when Khorvaire was once dominated by the goblinoid people. Time passed and the ancient goblin city now belongs to the Brelish people before it got taken by Thrane. Many aspects of the city changed when the Brelish took charge but the castle remained somewhat untouched.

During one of the Infiltration Maps, the soldiers could reveal what the conflict is about. If one of the castle's guards is questioned, he reveals that the soldiers here don't serve Thrane but serve the Silver Flame.
  • A Insight, Investigation or Perception of DC12 reveals that the soldier looks like he is in a state of religious enlightenment, as if he has found the answer to life.
  • Turns out, an ex-prisoner of war somehow managed to convince the soldiers stationed at the castle to turn their eyes towards the light of the Silver Flame, a deity in Khorvaire's pantheon. 
  • "I did notice that she had a weird looking crown on her head but I believe that it is a holy artifact bestowed upon her by the servants of the Silver Flame."
  • The soldiers of the castle believe that the Thranes have lost their way in the war and that everyone needs to focus their attention on the holy message of the Silver Flame lest they lose hold of the salvation that is promised. 
  • Quote: "Only with the light of the Holy Silver Flame can one find the strength to fight against the fiends of chaos and darkness."
Have players know that running away from fights is a viable option and can be used any time during this adventure. Refer to "The Chase" section below for more details.

Infiltration Map 1

"You can see torches lit with orange flames ahead. They illuminate the area where you are just barely able to see the guards defending the castle bridge. There are quite a number of them but they've not seen you yet. How do you want to do this?"

AREA CONDITIONS: The area is dimly lit so characters who do not have darkvision attack & make perception checks with disadvantage but they are still able to make their way around the place without any issue. Characters have the cover of night but if they light up a torch they'll make stealth rolls with disadvantage.

Infiltration Map 2

"On your way to the castle bridge, you see plenty of carvings and ancient runes on the stone walls that look like they were made by goblin hands. Not long after, you've arrived at the bridge. However, they are populated with guards. Your eyes catch sight of what seems to be a sharpshooter who has perched himself on the roof of the gates. They all don't seem to have noticed you yet. What do you do?"

AREA CONDITIONS: The area here is also dimly lit and shares the same condition as the previous area.

Infiltration Map 3

"You've made your way into the gates but your woes have not ended just yet. On your left, you see what looks like an ancient goblin temple that has been repaired fairly recently and on your right, the main castle. Patrolling the dust road is a finely dressed Thrane guard with a couple of strange-looking dogs. They sniff the air noisily and look into your direction! What do you do? "

Sam mentions that the underground passage from the map is underneath the castle. However, he finds it strange that the temple seems to have been repaired recently and wonders why the Thranes are at all interested in doing that. 

AREA CONDITIONS: The area here is also dimly lit and shares the same condition as the previous area.


"As soon as you enter the doors, you hear calm voices conversing with one another in hushed voices. You see plenty of sculptures and art that represents the old goblin Gods. A second later, you hear soft sizzles echoing from the temple walls from way ahead. At a distance away, you see a beefy Thrane soldier feeding metals to a strange looking monster. What do you do?"

The Ancient Goblin Temple has been transformed into a temporary bunker and house of worship for the soldiers. It also houses a Rust Monster.

AREA CONDITIONS: Area is well-lit except for the sleeping area. 

TREASURE: An idol of a silver flame with a sword across made of precious metals. Worth 100gp. This item can be found at the altar.


"You explored the castle and traversed its multiple hallways. Inside, the castle is very well-maintained, clean and lightly guarded. The guards of the lower floors are relatively easy to sneak past. The interiors of the castle grant you plenty of places to take cover and hide. One problem.
As you follow the map's directions, it leads you to a rusty gate. Beyond the gate however is a passage that has been long destroyed by years of neglect. Giant chunks of stone now fill up the passages. There is no way through."

Sam suggests that the party find out more about the Silver Flame. It is very risky, but it seems like the only other way out now is to find out more about the Prophet and the crown. After the party agrees, they make their way to the crown.


Characters are free to come up with their own methods but if they don't know what to do next, have them know that they can choose to question one of the guards with a Persuasion or Intimidation DC12. With a successful check, he reveals that the Prophet of the Silver Flame now sits in the throne room of Dongur's castle.

When the characters need to move elsewhere within the castle, have them all make a Stealth roll. The DC is 12.
If anyone of the characters make 3 failures or successes, refer to the table below.

 FAIL 1d6 guards have detected the party (or party member) and begins attacking.
 SUCCESS The party (or party member) successfully avoids detection. 

On a failure, the characters have 6 rounds to defeat the guards. If they don't, an alarm sounds and another 1d6 guards appear. Use the map below for fights!


Characters can also choose to run away instead of fight. For this, resolve the matter using the rules below.

RULES: Roll Initiatives!

The characters should know that to stop will likely end in a fight they cannot win, at least at the beginning.
Keep track of how many guards are chasing the characters with a minimum of 4 guards.
During the chase the characters are assumed to be taking the Dash action each round, if they do not they are caught by the guards. 

The characters in the chase use their standard action to roll pursuit checks (see below).

The characters can perform one of the following as a bonus action. The list below is only a suggestion; and characters are allowed to create options of their own--provided they can justify them.
  •  Create an Obstacle. A character can try and throw something (crate, cart, stand, suit of armor, etc.) in the way of the pursuers to hamper their movement forcing the pursuing soldiers to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw. Failure indicates that the soldier's next ability check or saving throw is made with disadvantage.
  •  Hang Back. A character can choose to stay in the back of the pack to hinder the leading pursuers. The character makes a contested Strength (Athletics) check against one of the guards in pursuit. Success indicates that the guard's next ability check or saving throw is made with disadvantage. Failure indicates that the character's next ability check or saving throw is made with disadvantage.
  • Surge Ahead. The character pushes themselves to get ahead by succeeding on a DC 10 Strength (Ath-letics) check. Success indicates that the character's next ability check or saving throw is made with advantage.
  •  Leap. The character bounds up, over, or around obstacles by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Success indicates that the character's next ability check or saving throw is made with ad-vantage.
  •  Duck in a Hallway. A character can attempt to guide the party down some difficult to follow alley ways. The characters makes contested Intelligence, Dexterity (Stealth) or Charisma (Deception) check opposed by a guard's Wisdom (Perception) check (+0 modifier). Success indicates that the guard's next ability check or saving throw is made with disadvantage.
  •  Frightened an Animal. A character can grab a nearby horse or other animal and send it running down the hall, causing chaos with a successful DC10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. Success indicates that the next ability check or saving throw made by a guard is made with advantage.
  •  Finding the way. Clever, perceptive characters may try using their memory of the hallways to their advantage. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) the charac-ter's next ability check or saving throw is made with advantage.


The castle also contains several hazards that can interfere with the chase. Each round before rolling for pursuit checks, roll on the complication table below with a 1d20.

 1 Two other guards see the chase and begin pursuit. Two guards are added into the chase
 2-3 You are forced to make a sharp turn to avoid colliding with something impassable. Make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to navigate the turn. On a failed save, you collide with something hard and take 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
 4-6 Freshly Mopped Floor. Make a DC10 Dex save. On a failed save you have disadvantage on your next ability check.
 7-8 A group of Silver Flame religious monks reciting prayers marches into your path. Make a DC12 Athletics or Acrobatics check to move through the crowd unimpeded. On a failed check you have disadvantage on your next ability check.
 9-10 A large obstacle such as crates of junk or cart blocks your way. Make a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to get past the obstacle. On a failed check, you gain disadvantage on your next ability check
 11+ Nothing happens


At the end of each round, each member of the chase must make an ability saving throw. The character makes a DC10 Constitution save, possibly with advantage or disadvantage depending on the actions of the characters for the round.
Characters must get a total of two successes per character before the soldiers get the same amount of successes. A roll of a natural 20 counts as two successes. A roll of a 1 takes away a success.
If the characters get the needed number of successes they lose the soldiers in the hallways of the castle. If the soldiers get the needed successes, the soldiers who made the save the last round have caught up with the characters and forces them into a fight. 

The characters will only get the chance to run away again once the any fight is resolved.


The characters have to go through the Middle Floors first before going up to the Upper Floors and finally reach the Throne Room. This means that the characters will have to roll on the stealth table thrice.
Lower Floors to Middle Floors = 1 Stealth Skill Challenge
Middle Floors to Upper Floors = 1 Stealth Skill Challenge
Upper Floors to Throne Room = 1 Stealth Skill Challenge

If the characters wish to explore a certain part of the castle have them roll a skill challenge as well.

"As you approach deeper and deeper to the grand door of the throne room, you hear a muffled but beautiful singing getting louder and louder. Moments later, you crack the door open at its seam and a majestic throne room greets your eyes. Up ahead, a rather attractive female half elf with auburn hair dressed in prison rags meditates while singing her religious verses on her throne. An alien-looking crown rests atop her head. "
The Prophet uses the PRIEST stat block in combat. She summons 1d4 guards immediately once she feels threatened. Every 3 rounds, another 1d4 guards are summoned. The Prophet will also use her turns to use the Crown of Domination against the characters.

SAM'S STRATEGY: Sam will target the Prophet and attempt to knock her unconscious first. Once he has accomplished that goal, he immediately takes the crown for himself and declares the defeat of the false Prophet to the rest of the Thrane soldiers. Once the prophet is taken down, the guards stop fighting.

AREA CONDITIONS: Area is well-lit.

Crown of Domination (Headpiece) Requires attunement. (Artifact)
The crown has 3 charges to cast the spell Dominate Monster. If there are 0 charges, the crown loses its magical properties. The crown gains 1d3 charges every dawn.
Cursed item: Every time the wearer finishes a short or long rest, the wearer must make a DC12 Wisdom save or take 1d4 psychic damage.

If Sam's strategy works out in the end, he holds a knife up to the Prophet's throat and tells the Thranes to back down. He then asks the characters to question the Thranes of the castle to see if they know of a way out of the city that is not crawling with enemy soldiers. 
  • There is a way out. A secret route that even the main force do not know of
  • We use that route to smuggle resources into the castle
  • Please do not hurt our Prophet
  • The soldier leads the way.
The soldiers are not willing to risk harming the Prophet and will do everything in their power to make sure she is safe. They will cooperate with Sam and the character's demands. Most likely the soldier will travel with the characters alone with no intentions of betraying them.

The route leads the party to a small forest at the back of the castle which leads to an inconspicuous tunnel that winds out of the city. While travelling the route, Sam makes mention of the importance of the Prophet. Also at this point, Sam uses a temporary spellshard (equivalent to a spell scroll) to summon a pseudodragon familiar and commands it to "inform our superiors of our current situation."

After a while, the characters can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perceptive players (DC12) might pick up the presence of dozens of men waiting outside of the exit to which Sam replies that they shouldn't worry about it. "Those are my men outside."


The Silver Flame soldier is immediately ambushed by Thrane forces once he steps out of the tunnels and is pinned to the floor.

"You see dozens on Thrane soldiers before you and their commander standing menacingly in the center with a smirk across his face. His face is weathered and old but he seems to carry a presence that demand respect from those under him. Perched on his shoulder is the pseudodragon that Sam sent earlier."

Sam steps out and hands the Prophet over to the commander. Any of the characters who wish to retaliate are non-lethally taken down by 10 VETERANS. 
Sam says a few words before leaving:
  • Sorry mates but you've been played. Surrender and make this easy on yourselves.
  • Do not kill them. We need them for questioning. With their help, Thrane will win the war.
The commander congratulates Sam for his fine spy work while the characters are taken away to be caged in a wagon where they meet the other 4 Brelish spies that were under Sam's command earlier.
Before the wagon takes off, the characters see a large battalion of Thrane soldiers entering the tunnels from whence they came.

The last words they hear from Sam were his plans to head back to Breland.


The characters are then brought to an undisclosed location where they spent the coming days imprisoned by Thranes and tortured for information. Players just need to know that their characters are alive with all limbs intact but they went through a terrible ordeal which have left physical and mental scars on their characters.

Unsure of how much time have passed, the espionage agency storms in and rescues the characters. The one leading the rescue operation is none other than the Hero of Vathirond himself, Seth Rosethorn!

You find yourself chained to the wall and hung by your wrists. You are unsure of how much time has passed. All you could think about is doing horrible deeds to Sam when you see him once more as well as focusing on enduring the Thranes' next torture, careful not to reveal the information they want. If you were to die the next few days then so be it. But you'll be damned if you went out a traitor.
You hear a muffled blast from the corridor far from where you are. 'What the hell is going on?' You heard one of the guards cry before you hear a flurry of agonizing screams and pleads for mercy. After that, a brief silence. Then sounds of careful footsteps getting louder as time passes by. 

Someone or something then meddles with your chains. One click sound later and you're free from your bounds. You're too weak to even stand and gravity attempts to have you kiss the ground but you are caught on time by your saviour.

You hear the words, "The Dark Lanterns never leave theirs behind. Thank you for lasting this long. It's time to bring you home."
The Dark Lanterns sent their elite members to conduct the rescue operation. Having been subjected to days of torture, the characters of this campaign at this point are too weak to fight the Thrane soldiers.

But now the players get to play the finest spies the Dark Lantern has to offer which includes the legendary hero himself Seth Rosethorn

  1. Seth Rosethorn (Mix in some Inspired Stats for something truly unique)
  2. Kalif Gracean (Rogu-ish Druid)
  3. Harroweave Zether (Archer Hunter)
  4. Sweet Rum (Swashbuckler)
  5. Ruckus Tyrand (Veteran)

WAVE 1: 10 Guards

Your infiltration hasn't exactly been... quiet. 20 sticks of dynamite later and here you are with the targets you needed to rescue. Several footsteps can be heard from the distance frantically getting louder as the soldiers make their way to you.
WAVE 2: 1 Xorn & 5 Guards

You can hear the airship humming loudly from where you are but the Thranes aren't too keen on letting you go anywhere. A creature with an unusually heavy body and a large, powerful mouth sitting atop its head burrows out of the ground before you. Its three long arms are each tipped with sharp talons, and its three large, stone-lidded eyes see in all directions. More Thrane soldiers rush down from the corridors to accompany the creature in battle.
After dealing with their enemies, the characters are brought back safely to the air ship that is on its way home to Breland. There, the characters of the campaign have their wounds treated and take a well-deserved rest before they continue on to their next mission. 

Unfortunately at this time the characters cannot get any information regarding Sam Witts and will just have to hope that they will meet again one day. 

A year later, 994 YK, the event known as the Mourning occured, wiping the country of Cyre off the map. The once beautiful country is now reduced to a wasteland surrounded with thick layers of mysterious fog. Cyre is now called the Mournlands.

Fearing that the same thing would happen to them, the Treaty of Thronehold was signed by all the nations of Khorvaire 2 years later, effectively ending the war. Thanks to this treaty, the Thranes handed the characters back to their home country, Breland.

The characters received medals of war for their service to their country and were well taken care of by Breland until they were fully recovered. Serving the King's Dark Lantern is the only profession the characters know and as soon as they were able, they jumped right back into service, despite the Dark Lantern's pleas for them to find work elsewhere or retire.

After some time, Sam Witts founded an Espionage Agency of his own after Thrane decided to leave its monarchial system for a theocratic one. After that he just disappeared, never to be heard from again.

The year now is 998 YK. The characters might still be looking for clues of Sam Witts but they have more important matters to tend to. Even though the Last War ended, a brand new war has taken its place. One that is not quite so flashy. One that requires soldiers with a particular skill set. One that is away from the eyes of the public. The war known as ... The Invisible War.

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