Tuesday, July 21, 2020



~ SleepiBoi


Get straight to the point. Make it short, sweet and clear. There is an objective you need to fulfill. Throw away the extra fluff. No one wants to hear it.

Today I will be presenting to you the changes and improvements I have made to the tool room in these past few weeks. I will begin with the withdrawal changes and the improvements I have made there.

1. Withdrawal Changes. 

In the past, we select the machine we want to use then the project code. After that we are presented with a gigantic list of 600 tools to search through to get the tools we want. 

Now you simply just have to tell the machine what part you're running as well as its machine and project code. Once that is done you are presented with these special lists.

All the tools have already been pre-selected according to its tool list. Simply scroll through the overview box, select & withdraw.

I have affixed several tools with images to assist users with selecting the right one for  the job. This also minimises the chance of having the wrong stock recorded into the system.


Time needed to search for common tools will be cut down as users no longer need to sift through a list of hundreds of tools. Select what you need or withdraw everything on the list.

With the additional menus, more data can be captured by Guhring. This then enables us to specifically pin point where and what the tool that was withdrawn is specifically used for when viewing the data.

2. Export.

Next, we shall take a look at Guhring's export system and how it has improved.

With the old system, we can only view a limited set of data. With the new system in place, we now can see more accurately what each tool that were withdrawn were used for. With this added data, we can, for example, make better and informed decisions when making tool purchases.

3. Automatic Mailing System.

Everything that goes in and out of the tool management system is recorded automatically. With this core principle in mind, I have finally managed to set up an automatic mailing system that is scheduled to send the previous week's consumption reports and analysis charts regarding articles below minimum stock every Monday at 6am to Mr. Foo.

The time spent to manually send emails to him can now be spent on other matters that need my attention. It goes without saying that Mr. Foo will receive his reports in a timely and consistent manner and will no longer need to contact me about reports, enabling him to use his time on other matters as well. I also have these reports CC'd to me so that I can check if the emails are sent.

4. Physical.

Along with the software improvements, I have also made physical improvements regarding tool bin arrangements. All of these have been changed with permanance in mind. Every tool that has been neatly arranged will be locked in their respective positions so as to maintain consistency.
Not only is this pleasing to the eye but searching tools on the fly is also made much easier.

5. Planned Improvements.

During my time working in the tool room, I have seen many opportunities for improvement and how Guhring can be properly utilised to execute them. Here are some of the things I plan to improve in the future.

1. Virtual Storage for Arbors and Collets. Arbors and collets have been some of the most trickiest items to track in the tool room. As soon as I discovered that Guhring is also able to track items outside of the machine, I saw the chance to convert an ordinary storing rack into a trackable entity for the software. 

Not only can Guhring track tool consumption, it will also be able to theoratically track the arbors and collets that move and out of the room as well in the future. Wear and tear as well as shelf life can be determined with this data which will in turn help enable us to make informed purchasing decisions regarding these items. As of now, I am still developing a system to effectively do this but I will give this my full attention once I am finished with my current tasks. 

2. System for Sorting & Storing Used Tools. Tools often get loaded and unloaded. There are also tools that last much longer than others. Once a job is done, setters would prefer to store them somewhere that can be easily retrieved again in the future. But with how sporadic the loading plans can be, setters often do a poor job of storing leading to these tools getting misplaced or stored improperly.
I plan to device a system where used tools can be easily stored and retrieved by setters in the future.

3. Additional Data & Image. Finally, as mentioned earlier, affix every or most critical tool with images. Additionally, I want to add tool life data to each tool using the Additional Data feature. 

++ Extras.

  • I plan to look into the Haimer Presetter software to see if there are any ways to improve the workflow. One improvement I am looking into is to connect the presetter to a network so that generated programs can be exported without the need of a thumbdrive. If there is no need for that, the presetter is working fine as is. I would also like to mention that the presetter usage has shot up recently.

Any questions?

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