Friday, March 27, 2020

Danger Hooks!

Hook, Line & Sinker!

A good adventure always begins with good hooks. Here's a whole bunch that is sure to motivate the players into getting themselves into this adventure!

Saul Freightfoot is a Halfling who works for Astrid Saj. He is assigned with the task to ensure that the festival goes smoothly. To accomplish this,
 he searches far and wide for capable people to work for this festival.
Saul has been investigating the cult activities in the City of Danger for some time and strongly suspects that they are planning to do something truly terrible to it. Hearing about the Black Cross' previous exploits and how they've managed to drive the Black Spider away from the small town of Phandlain, Saul deliberately went through all of the trouble to hire them.
If what Saul suspects is true and these cults truly are planning to unleash unspeakable evils to his city, the halfling would be more than happy to pratice his bragging rights and say that he brought the Black Cross where they needed to be.
Freightfoot took it upon himself to send a few courier's over the region of Vercos to ask for their aid.
Off the Record...Certain members of the group may have sensed a disturbance in the balance of the elemental nature of this realm. Something significant and sinister is trying to mess with the balance of it all and clues seem to lead to the region of the Moonsea. A seed has been planted over there and it plans to fester and spread throughout the entire world.

Fateful Meeting...

The main goal of this meeting is to ignite the characters' interests and convince them to travel to Mulmaster, the City of Danger. The following contains what the courier will say when they meet:

1) The festivital is held for important people of the Moonsea region. It will be held for 10 days at the Saj estate which will begin a few days after the party arrives at Mulmaster.
2) Saul has made a study throughout the continent and is happy to report that the Black Cross' actions had initiated a time of relative peace for the region of Vercos. Days upon days of downtime await characters who choose to stay... for whatever reason.
3) Of course, Saul did not send his best couriers over to Vercos just to hire some bodyguards. Cult activities are on a rise in the City and almost everyone  has a connection to them. Whenever something bad is about to happen, Saul's right knee starts to ache. And his right knee is aching really badly at the moment.
4) There are reports of imp-like demons scurrying around the city. Worse still, the City Watch recently  discovered materials and equipment specialising in opening bridges between this world and the demonic realm.
5) The activities of fanatic cults in the Moonsea prove more worrisome than demons running around the city. There are reports of kidnappings for sacrificial purposes as well as several characters spouting verses of their deities, or more specifically, their Princes of Elemental Evils. Other reports have also cited dispute and violent engagements between religious sects and these up and coming cults.
6) The authorities of the City have their hands full with all sorts of problems, from petty crimes to threats of war. Saul thinks that the Black Cross might the heroes the city needs right about now.
7) Working for the festival may not guarantee that you'll earn the favour of important people of the realm but if you play your cards right... you just might find yourself an opportunity.
8) Lastly. you're heading towards to City of Danger! Wherever Danger resides there sure will be an opportunity nearby for something great.
9) Saul already arranged a ship to collect some Vercos-exclusive goods to bring back home. This same vehicle can be used to ferry the party towards Mulmaster if they choose to proceed. Food and lodging provided.
META rewards for partaking the adventure in the City of Danger!
Upon accepting this quest, each member receives 1 Hero Point.
META Disclaimers. The following adventures include homebrew monsters. I've worked meticulously hard to balance these monsters as much as I can to the DMG but just in case, I have provided META rewards to mitigate any issues I might have overlooked.
When your character falls unconscious, you can expend a Hero Point to gain the effect of rolling a natural 20 on a death save. You can also spend a Hero Point to add a 1d6 to any ability check, saving throw or attack roll.
Hero Points can be earned upon reaching certain milestones in the adventure but there is a catch. Your character loses a Hero Point if he/she commits an act that the GM deems evil. Acts that could result in losing Hero Points include, but not limited to, kidnappings, murder, tortures, intentionally causing pain or harm to another for malicious intent or disobeying your character's code of honour. Removal of Hero Points is completely up to the GM's discretion.
While designing this adventure I tried to balance the monsters that the party is meant to face to every official source I can get my hands on however I have also placed monsters and creatures of varying challenge ratings in certain locations. I will try my best to lead the adventure the way it is meant to be played but do be forwarned that if you choose to take the unbeaten path, you might experience some unexpected results. DMing can be quite an arduous task so I seek your understanding. There is only so much I can do and you can't expect me to balance everything. I cannot ensure your character's safety in this adventure and I'll play my monsters the way they are designed.
Without further ado, let us proceed to the City of Danger!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Upscaling The Danger In The City of Danger

Welcome to Mulmaster

On the southern shores of the Moonsea, the residents of Mulmaster have eked out a living where others would likely have given up long ago—in a bleak city where corruption is rampant and the Church of Bane holds sway...


In this blog, I will attempt to upscale a level 1 adventure to a level 8 one. Here's hoping it actually works out when it all plays out. This particular adventure comes from Season 2 of Adventurer's League, Elemental Evils which can be purchased on the DM's Guild website.

This adventure is split up into 5 mini-adventures. These adventures can be played in any order. We'll start with number 1 and then work our way up.

Mini-Adventure 1

The party faces 4 Seasoned Veterans in the first battle.

In the second battle, a twister ritual summons:

2 Terror Hippogriffs

4 Hippogriffs

8 Blood Hawks from the Elemental Plane of Air.

AC 11; 9 HP
Balloon Pack. This backpack-like device contains a bound air elemental and, when activated, deploys an inflatable balloon that sends the wearer into the sky at the rate of 20 feet per round.
This effect cannot be dispelled, but a balloon pack can be destroyed. The balloon has an AC of 11 and 10 hit points, is resistant to bludgeoning and slashing damage, and immune to psychic damage. If destroyed, the balloon bursts, harmlessly dismissing the elemental bound within it to the plane from which it came, and sending the wearer plummeting to the ground.

Mini-Adventure 2

In the first battle:

4 Violent Thugs

Tactics. 2 will start attacking first while the other 2 joins in the second or third round.

Mini-Adventure 3

In the first battle:

2 Obsidian Badgers (D-Ranked Party) -OR-

4 Obsidian Badgers show up (For S-Ranked Party)

1 Frightener Ankheg -OR-

Add 100 hp to the monster for S-Ranked Party.

I cast Suggestion! Unstable stalactites can be found throughout the temple. Damaging the stalactite (AC5; HP10) will cause it to fall.

Anything standing below it makes a DC 15 Dex saving throw or take 3d12 piercing damage and falls prone and is restrained for 3 rounds.

Unstable tunnels can be found in the temple. Casting a loud spell or making a DC 15 Survival check can cause the tunnel to collapse. Anything in the tunnel makes DC 15 Dex saving throw or take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and falls prone and is restrained for 3 turns.

Mini-Adventure 4

5 Slimy Bullywugs and 2 Giant Bull Frogs protect the temple from trespassers.

An S-Ranked Party faces 7 Slimy Bullywugs and 3 Giant Bull Frogs.

Mini-Adventure 5

A Horned Devil leads the demonic assault! Add a Horned Devil in the mix, along with the demons already included in the adventure. The Devil fights until half health and flees back to the apartment, running straight back into the portal.
Another contender joins the fight! Baron of Darax-us!

In the summoner's apartment, 4 Quasits lie in wait for the characters.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Villains & Evil People of the Moonseas (or the entirety of Faerun!)

Current Big Bad Guy:

The Cult of Elemental Evils. There are 4 cults operating in the Moonseas. Most of their activities can be found in the City of Danger, Mulmaster. Note that this current timeline occurs prior to the organised attacks against the city.

Mulmaster currently have their hands full with all sorts of problems:
- Keeping the refugees of Phlan and Zhent's Keep under control.
- Crime in the city, ranging from petty to serious ones.
- Keeping a close watch on arcane activities in the city.
- Ensuring the safety of Zora. (Assassination Prevention).
- Keeping close watch on surrounding empires in case another rise of Netheril were to happen.
- Keeping a close eye on settlements they might be able to conquer.
- Ensuring that seafaring and trade continue to flourish.

These cults are fairly young, new and severely underestimated which makes them dangerous. These cults are backed up by the revered Princes of Elemental Evils who are very real and plan to wreak havoc against the Heartlands, Moonseas, the North and then the rest of the world.

Why? Elemental Evils represents the raw unchecked power of the elements and Mulmaster at its core stands against that very ideal with its strict control over magic.

Many members of the Elemental Evils themselves have personal reasons to destroy the city. Things like being on the receiving end of unfair treatment to the poor and refugees, keeping the rich in power, corruption and abuse of power from the authorities. The cults give them the chance to enact their revenge upon the city, and they take the offer without any hesitation.

The party will go through several disconnected adventures in Mulmaster as well as uncover a plot and stop the cults from completely destroying the city before needing to travel to the source and eliminate the dangerous cults once and for all.

At the Present Moment...
There are 4 cults of Elemental Evils, each representing the four fundamental elements Fire, Water, Earth & Air.

The cults in Mulmaster are led by small-time leaders tasked with carrying out assignments considered crucial to the cults they serve.

Then there are major leaders of the cults who are also known as priests of their respective cults. Their exact locations cannot be pin-pointed as they take refuge in different parts of the Faerun. They each have a magic weapon that has been touched the Prince of Elemental Evil.

- Cult of the Black Earth
- Cult of the Crushing Wave
- Cult of the Eternal Flame
- Cult of the Howling Hatred

- Ogremach (Earth)
- Olhydra (Water)
- Imix (Fire)
- Yan-C-Bin (Air)


Future Evils. The cults now represent the biggest threat to the realm but they aren't the only ones who wish to reduce the world into nothing.

Bhaal, the God of murder wishes to return to Faerun. He seeks followers who desire murder of certain individuals and attempts to guide them into opening a gateway for his return. In the meantime, there are many characters running around Faerun operating under his name, bringing death to others either under blind justice or pure cruelty.

Netheril, the ultra-aggressive nation seeks to rebuild itself once more and accomplish their ambitious goals. Netheril serves the Lady of Darkness Shar and the Netherese seem to get stronger everytime they disappear into and return from the darkness.

Somnios, formless creatures from an unknown plane of existence. These creatures operate under a hivemind and are able to plunge worlds into darkness and then slowly collecting victims, lulling into a deep dreamless sleep as they feed on their life force. Are they doing this for their survival? Or some nefarious reason?

Monday, March 23, 2020

A Guide to the Heartlands of Faerun...

This guide contains summarised information about the surrounding settlements in the Heartlands and the Moonseas of Faerun.

Zhentil Keep. This settlement was once ruled by mages who attained near immortality through magic. Immortality came at a cost: They had to become liches. As time went on, these ruling mages eventually succumbed to madness and were kept underground. Netheril then destroyed Zhentil's Keep upon learning its association with its ancient enemies. This settlement is now inhabited by mercenary forces who plague the Moonseas but seems like few truly knew the dark secret Zhentil Keep still holds.

Thar. This land is home to tribal humans and orcs. Many barbarians seen around the heartlands heil from these lands. Thar is a mountainous, rocky region and rivalries between different tribes are common in Thar. Reports of raids on trading caravans and travellers can be attributed to the numerous tribes from Thar. The Lords of the lands have decided to outsource some work to eliminate these barbaric raiders. Ogres and goblins also call Thar home.

Myth Drannor. The ruined capital of Cormanthar, the land of elves. Myth Drannor was destroyed when Netheril crashed its floating city into it in an effort to win the war. After its destruction, demons of unknown origins started settling in the ruined city. Recently, Myth Drannor was reclaimed by the elves of Cormanthor but with demonic activities still present in the area, Myth Drannor's future remains uncertain.

Cormanthar. The motherland of elves. Cormanthar is a giant forest land that is home to the many major elven factions of Faerun as well as unique elven races. Many elves and half elves living in this continent can trace their lineage all the way back to the ancient elves of Cormanthar.

Dalelands. A peaceful settlement of humans who have learnt to live in harmony with their neighbouring elves. Simple, spiritual people who values hard work, discipline, lawfulness and peace.

Hillsfar. Almost the antithesis of the Dalelands, Hillsfar once belonged to dwarves, elves and humans but is now considered a human settlement after the former elf ruler was blackmailed into giving up the settlement. Hillsfarians believe that humans are by far the superior race. This racist attitude can be seen by their laws. Hillsfar boasts one of the finest defences a city can have with its tall, wide and impregnable walls. This settlement thrives in trade and is ruled by a single ruler known as the First Lord and advised by the senate of 31 guildmasters and nobles.

Citadel of Ravens. A large fortress built in the past. This fortress was the result of the collaborative effort between the major powers of the Moonsea. This fortress originally meant to defend the surrounding cities from Thar barbarians but was destroyed during Netheril invasion.


Driving Force of the Moonseas' History
The Moonseas was not spared from the major events that happened in Faerun and much of this history has shaped the region of Moonsea to what it is today. One such driving force is the super aggressive nation of Netheril.

When Netheril first seen its spike in power and growth, the mages of the nation decided that they had what it took to take control of the very essence of magic itself: The Weave. They were soon proven wrong and the power they accumulated to achieve their goal became too strong for them to handle. Eventually this power wiped them clean from the face of Faerun. But all was not in vain. During their study, the Netherese found a way into the Shadow plane and brought their entire floating city Thultanthar into it.

Some time later, Thuntanthar returned and Netheril rebuilt itself with great success. After growing significantly in power, the nation of Netheril grew bold and began looking into assimilating other nations. Netheril has seen successes during their conquest but as they proceed further, they soon find that they are unmatched with certain nations. After receiving many major setbacks, Netheril soon found itself fighting against several fronts in the war before being utterly destroyed by the alliance.

Netheril worshipped the Goddess of Darkness Shar and after seeing the disaster left in their wake, the Lords decided to ban the practice. But the Goddess seems to have its way with people and the power she provides is unmistakeable, making her even more attractive to certain groups of people. If Netheril can make such a comeback so easily, who's to say they wouldn't do it again?

Sembia. Former allies of Netheril, this settlement of merchants now live in peace and harmony with the alliance and its surrounding kingdoms. They do whatever they can to clear their names and association with Netheril but who knows of their true intentions?

Cormyr. The first human kingdom of Faerun, Cormyr now seeks to recover itself from the war of Sembia and Netheril. More information can be found in SCAG.

Safe travels!