Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blah blah theory

First, an introduction. My name is gameboys, yeah, its not my real name. We are a group of high school students  and we've been friends for a long time. Our first blog, Romeo and Juliet, strangely became popular, and at that time, we preferred our blog to be kept to our self, until someone forgot to do something...
Now, I don't expect this blog to be popular too as it is going to be super boring ( its about things I like). Man, I just feel typing about things I like, as my school holidays is sadly coming to an end. I'll miss all my freedom of playing games. (Whines...)
So about the things I like. First, I would like to talk about consoles versus personal computer. What are the consoles of today? Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii.
Lets start with the pros and cons. Advantages and disadvantages. The good and the bad. The likes and the dislikes. The vantage and the... oh, I should really stop this and move on...
First start, the Xbox 360. Released by Microsoft at 2005. Those were the glory days. Everyone loved it. Everyone talked about it. Everyone adored it.
And the Halo franchise boosted its popularity as everyone simply love Halo. Halo became an Xbox 360 exclusive and no longer ported to the PC anymore so anyone who loves the franchise have no choice but to get themselves a 360.
Now, what I like about the 360 is how it can handle games. Seriously, porting a game to the 360 is super simple. That's why multiplatform games, or any games, as a matter of a fact, plays pretty well on the console.
The Xbox 360 has a great multiplayer experience and an easy, user-friendly dashboard. Its easy to navigate through the console to find what you want. And of course, the 360 does not need to install the game first before you play. Just pop in the disc and play. Simple. Though, installing the game is optional in the 360.
However, the 360 does not really have the best exclusives games. Owning a 360 makes me feel like I am playing with the best system, but looking at the choice of games you can actually play with the console, you'll probably think twice. Other than the Halo franchise, Gears of war ended the franchise pretty badly, Alan Wake is the only game with potential. I would really love to feel that the 360 is the ultimate console around, and have the best games around which only the 360 system can play. Too bad, the 360 doesn't really make me feel that way.
That's all the time I have for now, the Xbox 360 ultimate archnemesis, the PS3, is on my next entry, so stay tune.

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